API Reference epochtalk_server v0.1.0



EpochtalkServer keeps the contexts that define your domain and business logic.

Guardian provides a singular interface for authentication in Elixir applications that is token based. Tokens should be

Used to generate and send emails from the API to a User.

Ban model, for performing actions relating to banning

BannedAddress model, for performing actions relating to banning by ip/hostname

Board model, for performing actions relating to forum boards

BoardMapping model, for performing actions relating to mapping forum boards and categories

BoardModerator model, for performing actions relating to Board moderators

Category model, for performing actions relating to forum categories

Configuration model, for performing actions relating to frontend Configuration

Invitation model, for performing actions relating to inviting new users to the forum

Mention model, for performing actions relating to forum categories

MetadataBoard model, for performing actions relating to Board metadata

Notification model, for performing actions relating to forum categories

Permission model, for performing actions relating to Role permissions, used for seeding

Post model, for performing actions relating to forum posts

Preference model, for performing actions relating to a user's preferences

Profile model, for performing actions relating a user's profile

Role model, for performing actions relating to user roles

RolePermission model, for performing actions relating to a roles permissions

RoleUser model, for performing actions relating a setting a Role for a User

Thread model, for performing actions relating to forum threads

User model, for performing actions relating a user

Manages User sessions in Redis. Used by Auth related User actions.

The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on.

Controller For Configuration related API requests

Renders and formats Configuration data, in JSON format for frontend

Exception raised when api request payload is incorrect

Exception raised when api request payload JSON is malformed

Exception raised when api request payload is too large

Conveniences for translating and building error messages.

Renders and formats error data, in JSON format for frontend

Helper module which intercepts guardian errors.

Helper for paginating database queries

Helper for validating and casting query parameters not associated with a model.

Controller For Mention related API requests

Renders and formats User data, in JSON format for frontend

Controller For Notification related API requests

Renders and formats User data, in JSON format for frontend

Plug that pre-parses request body and raises errors if there are problems

Controller For Preference related API requests

Renders and formats Preference data, in JSON format for frontend

This module is used to track User presence in websocket channels. Currently used by the user:public channel to check if a User is online.

Module with named helpers generated from EpochtalkServerWeb.Router.

Description of all events occuring in application

Handles User websocket channels. These channels are used to broadcast events to the client. With the current design, API route can broadcast messages when an action is performed, this notifies the client to perform an action, such as requesting data from the server.

Controller For User related API requests

Handles User socket connection and authentication.

Renders and formats User data, in JSON format for frontend