EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView (epochtalk_server v0.1.0)
Renders and formats error data, in JSON format for frontend
Link to this section Summary
The resource name, as an atom, for this view
Renders the given template locally.
Render uses template_not_found
when Phoenix cannot find the specified template, this
has been modified to handle and all types of errors. Epochtalk Server sends all errors
through this view to render a consistent error JSON.
Link to this section Functions
Link to this function
The resource name, as an atom, for this view
Link to this function
render(template, assigns \\ %{})
Renders the given template locally.
Link to this function
template_not_found(template, assigns)
@spec template_not_found(Phoenix.Template.name(), map()) :: no_return()
Render uses template_not_found
when Phoenix cannot find the specified template, this
has been modified to handle and all types of errors. Epochtalk Server sends all errors
through this view to render a consistent error JSON.
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView.render("500.json")
%{error: "Internal Server Error", message: "Request Error", status: 500}
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView.render("400.json")
%{error: "Bad Request", message: "Request Error", status: 400}
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView.render("404.json")
%{error: "Not Found", message: "Request Error", status: 404}
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView.render("401.json")
%{error: "Unauthorized", message: "Request Error", status: 401}
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView.template_not_found("DoesNotExist.json", %{message: "Custom Error Message", status: 500})
%{error: "Internal Server Error", message: "Custom Error Message", status: 500}
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.ErrorView.template_not_found("DoesNotExist.json", %{message: "Custom Error Message", status: 404})
%{error: "Not Found", message: "Custom Error Message", status: 404}