EpochtalkServer.Mailer (epochtalk_server v0.1.0)
Used to generate and send emails from the API to a User
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deliver(email, config \\ [])
@spec deliver(Swoosh.Email.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}
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deliver!(email, config \\ [])
@spec deliver!(Swoosh.Email.t(), Keyword.t()) :: term() | no_return()
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deliver_many(emails, config \\ [])
@spec deliver_many( [ %Swoosh.Email{ assigns: term(), attachments: term(), bcc: term(), cc: term(), from: term(), headers: term(), html_body: term(), private: term(), provider_options: term(), reply_to: term(), subject: term(), text_body: term(), to: term() } ], Keyword.t() ) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}
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@spec send_confirm_account(recipient :: EpochtalkServer.Models.User.t()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}
Sends confirmation email