EpochtalkServer.Models.User (epochtalk_server v0.1.0)
model, for performing actions relating a user
Link to this section Summary
Gets a User
from the database by id
Gets a User
by username
, from the database, with all of it's associations preloaded.
Appends the user
to user.roles
if no roles present. Strips all roles but
from user.roles
if user is banned.
Clears the malicious score of a User
by id
, from the database
Creates a new User
in the database, used for registration
Creates a new User
in the database and assigns the superAdministrator
, used for seeding
Checks if the provided User
is malicious using the provided ip
. If the User
is found to be malicious after checking BannedAddress
records, the user's
is updated and is assigned the banned
, in the database
and in place. Otherwise the user is just returned with no change.
Creates a registration changeset for User
model, returns an error changeset
if validation of username, email and password do not pass.
Validates with Argon2 that a User
matches the supplied password
Checks if User
with email
exists in the database
Checks if User
with username
exists in the database
Link to this section Types
@type t() :: %EpochtalkServer.Models.User{ __meta__: term(), ban_info: EpochtalkServer.Models.Ban.t() | term(), confirmation_token: String.t() | nil, created_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil, deleted: boolean() | nil, email: String.t() | nil, id: non_neg_integer() | nil, imported_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil, malicious_score: float() | nil, moderating: [EpochtalkServer.Models.BoardModerator.t()] | term(), passhash: String.t() | nil, password: String.t() | nil, password_confirmation: String.t() | nil, preferences: EpochtalkServer.Models.Preference.t() | term(), profile: EpochtalkServer.Models.Profile.t() | term(), reset_expiration: String.t() | nil, reset_token: String.t() | nil, roles: [EpochtalkServer.Models.Role.t()] | term(), smf_member: term(), updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil, username: String.t() | nil }
Link to this section Functions
Gets a User
from the database by id
Gets a User
by username
, from the database, with all of it's associations preloaded.
Appends the user
to user.roles
if no roles present. Strips all roles but
from user.roles
if user is banned.
@spec clear_malicious_score_by_id(id :: integer()) :: {non_neg_integer(), nil}
Clears the malicious score of a User
by id
, from the database
@spec create(attrs :: map()) :: {:ok, user :: t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
Creates a new User
in the database, used for registration
create(attrs, admin)
@spec create(attrs :: map(), admin :: boolean()) :: {:ok, user :: t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
Creates a new User
in the database and assigns the superAdministrator
, used for seeding
handle_malicious_user(user, ip)
@spec handle_malicious_user(user :: t(), ip :: tuple()) :: {:ok, user :: t()} | {:error, :ban_error}
Checks if the provided User
is malicious using the provided ip
. If the User
is found to be malicious after checking BannedAddress
records, the user's
is updated and is assigned the banned
, in the database
and in place. Otherwise the user is just returned with no change.
registration_changeset(user, attrs)
@spec registration_changeset(user :: t(), attrs :: map() | nil) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
Creates a registration changeset for User
model, returns an error changeset
if validation of username, email and password do not pass.
valid_password?(user, password)
Validates with Argon2 that a User
matches the supplied password
@spec with_email_exists?(email :: String.t()) :: true | false
Checks if User
with email
exists in the database
@spec with_username_exists?(username :: String.t()) :: true | false
Checks if User
with username
exists in the database