EpochtalkServer.Models.Configuration (epochtalk_server v0.1.0)
model, for performing actions relating to frontend Configuration
Link to this section Summary
Gets a Configuration
from the database by name
Creates a new Configuration
into the database
Create changeset for creating a new Configuration
Gets default frontend Configuration
from the database
Inserts a default Configuration
into the database given config_map
Warms :epochtalk_server[:frontend_config]
config variable using Configuration
stored in database,
if present. If there is no Configuration
in the database, the default value is taken
from :epochtalk_server[:frontend_config]
and inserted into the database as the default
. Run as a Task on application startup.
Link to this section Types
@type t() :: %EpochtalkServer.Models.Configuration{ __meta__: term(), config: map() | nil, id: non_neg_integer() | nil, name: String.t() | nil }
Link to this section Functions
Gets a Configuration
from the database by name
@spec create(configuration :: t()) :: {:ok, configuration :: t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
Creates a new Configuration
into the database
create_changeset(configuration, attrs \\ %{})
@spec create_changeset( configuration :: t(), attrs :: map() | nil ) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
Create changeset for creating a new Configuration
@spec get_default() :: t() | nil
Gets default frontend Configuration
from the database
@spec set_default(config_map :: map()) :: {:ok, configuration :: t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
Inserts a default Configuration
into the database given config_map
@spec warm_frontend_config() :: :ok
Warms :epochtalk_server[:frontend_config]
config variable using Configuration
stored in database,
if present. If there is no Configuration
in the database, the default value is taken
from :epochtalk_server[:frontend_config]
and inserted into the database as the default
. Run as a Task on application startup.