EpochtalkServer.Models.Thread (epochtalk_server v0.1.0)
model, for performing actions relating to forum threads
Link to this section Summary
Create generic changeset for Thread
Link to this section Types
@type t() :: %EpochtalkServer.Models.Thread{ __meta__: term(), board: term(), board_id: non_neg_integer() | nil, created_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil, id: non_neg_integer() | nil, imported_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil, locked: boolean() | nil, moderated: boolean() | nil, post_count: non_neg_integer() | nil, posts: term(), slug: String.t() | nil, sticky: boolean() | nil, updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil }
Link to this section Functions
Link to this function
changeset(thread, attrs)
@spec changeset(thread :: t(), attrs :: map() | nil) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()
Create generic changeset for Thread