EpochtalkServerWeb.UserView (epochtalk_server v0.1.0)

Renders and formats User data, in JSON format for frontend

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The resource name, as an atom, for this view

Renders formatted JSON response for registration confirmation.

Renders whatever data it is passed when template not found. Data pass through for rendering misc responses (ex: {found: true} or {success: true})

Link to this section Functions

The resource name, as an atom, for this view

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render(template, assigns \\ %{})

Renders formatted JSON response for registration confirmation.



iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.UserView.render("register_with_verify.json", %{user: %User{ username: "Test" }}) %{

username: "Test",
confirm_token: true,
message: "Successfully registered, please confirm account to login."


Link to this function

template_not_found(template, assigns)

@spec template_not_found(Phoenix.Template.name(), map()) :: no_return()

Renders whatever data it is passed when template not found. Data pass through for rendering misc responses (ex: {found: true} or {success: true})



iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.UserView.render("DoesNotExist.json", data: %{found: true})
%{found: true}
iex> EpochtalkServerWeb.UserView.render("DoesNotExist.json", data: %{success: true})
%{success: true}